Testament by Eli Felix | Eli Felix
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Explore this page to read all about me and my book!


*Coming soon - an excerpt from my fantasy novel TESTAMENT.


















TESTAMENT by Eli Felix, is a spiritual undertaking, conceptualized as a fantasy genre novel. It follows a spiritual theme, giving the reader a perspective that is seldom experienced through other fantasy genre novels. 'This book is fast-paced fantasy, infused with bits of uplifting spirituality!' Read More... 


I am working with Olympia Publishers, who have taken on my novel and will be publishing it in geographies all across the world. To view their website click on their logo below. 






 The launch date will be announced towards the second half of this year 2024 and pre-orders will begin soon. Please leave your e-mail in the feedback section for further updates.









On this page, you will also find links to my credentials, my book preview page, my journey to becoming a published author, and much more, be sure to check out the 'My Journey' and 'My Articles' section. (Scroll down for links)


Finally, visitors to the website being directed from my Facebook and Instagram profile can find the answer to the riddle here!

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liFe is Eli Felix 

Hello all you wonderful and beautiful people!

I am excited to announce that I will be publishing my very first Fantasy genre novel titled 'TESTAMENT' which is suitable for all ages 14 - 65 and will soon be available at a bookstore near you.


I look forward to hearing your comments on the

'Preview My Book' page where I have outlined the pitch I used, which ultimately led to the contract offer by Olympia Publishers.



(Check back on www.elifelix.com later to see the launch date of my novel.)


The book will be available Worldwide at Barnes & Noble, Blackwells, Waterstones, Dymocks, Indigo, The Book Depository, Hive, and many more. Stay in touch to know the exact locations in the run-up to the release. You can order it digitally as an e-book on Amazon.com and kindle.com. For inquiries, click the link.



Read More about my Journey to becoming an author. I am not specifically trained in the art of writing or as I like to call it, word building from a layman's perspective, what I prefer is adding text to ideas, a way to realize your innermost self.




My first piece of inspiration came when I was a student and my article got published in a magazine. I remember being asked to write a tongue-in-cheek account of studying in the UK. I gave it a go and after being published, receiving a cheque was like manna from heaven. You can check out my article here. 




The Digitized Content section has excerpts from my novel, TESTAMENT, depicted in video format which gives the reader a fun and exciting way to view quality content. Check out quotes and text from TESTAMENT. You can view this by clicking on the button below.




I have always been passionate about quirky poetry. Some of my favorites include a Ballad on Feminism. Read my poetry here.



Read all about me by clicking on 'Read More' below. 

Here's a little teaser riddle from Testament.

Can you guess the correct answer?


How many fingers did the man with one arm have?
Please select your option and submit to reveal the answer!

The answer is option 4: 'All'. Thank you!


In other website news, earn your Welcome Badge by becoming a member. Membership is free! Earning this badge will also help access the Forum.


Next, post or comment in the forum to earn your Browser Pro badge. Chat with us to earn your Chat Cat badge. Earn all three badges to avail a discount on my upcoming Novel.




To purchase my novel titled TESTAMENT on this website, click on the link below. It will take you directly to the orders page. Note this is for customers in INDIA only.

For UK, US, CANADA, AUSTRALIA and the REST OF THE WORLD, please click on the link given at the top of this page.

* Orders are not yet open. If you are interested please leave your details in the feedback section.






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Sometimes placing faith in people is admitting that people make mistakes and that you are willing to forgive them for it’ – TESTAMENT.

It is fascinating to think about another purpose rather than the one governed by consciousness.’ – TESTAMENT.

I say even destiny is a choice. Those who choose destiny should never let go.’ - TESTAMENT.                                                      



'This book is spiritual fantasy.'
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